Language Musings and Gelato

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

A humor-filled lecture about the linguistic adventures of an Italian teacher in the StatesDoes language reveal culture; does it shape our thinking? Is the essence of a country revealed through […]

ItaliaNews 2022-2023

Join San Diego-based Italian TV journalist Elisa Meazzini for a second season of ItaliaNews. Every first Friday, be prepared to understand more about Italian public life, find parallels and differences […]


Festa di Natale 2022

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

ICC is delighted to welcome members to an in-person holiday gathering with family and friends at the Hall of Nations in Balboa Park.Enjoy a live concert by the exceptional harpist […]


The Work and Life of Artemisia Gentileschi

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

This talk, by Boston-based early modern Italian historian dr. Franca Barricelli, will explore the remarkable life and art of one of the most accomplished artists of the seventeenth century. Daughter […]

IN OGNI GENERAZIONE: Italian Jews through the Generations

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

Playwright, TV writer, and educator Ali Viterbi intertwines the historical, the personal, and the fictional in a presentation dedicated to Italian Jews through the generations. This lecture will include a brief […]

Fifty Years of Italian Music

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

Enjoy a concert of famed and contemporary Italian songs in the award-winning voice of Iris Moné, a Swiss-Italian artist known for her soulful voice and for being a finalist on […]


In Scena! Italian Theater Festival

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

Enjoy two remarcable theatrical tales, one Calabrian and one Sicilian, performed by Italian actors in a combination of Italian and Southern dialects, with English subtitles. "My Idea" and "The Tightrope Walkers" […]

The Languages of Poetry

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

An inspiring evening of Italian poetry with Poet and Translator Pasquale Verdicchio, in Italian and English.UCSD Professor Emeritus Pasquale Verdicchio will read poems from his new collection, Only You, as well […]

Holiday Party – Festa di Natale 2023

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

ICC is delighted to welcome members to our annual holiday gathering at the Hall of Nations in Balboa Park, alongside family and friends.Enjoy a beautiful holiday dinner by chef Mark […]


Women, Migrations, Italy

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

This presentation, by USD Italian Studies Professor Loredana Di Martino, will deal with women and migrations throughout some key moments in modern Italian history. A brief glimpse at female migrations […]


A Year in ItaliaNews

Hall of Nations, Balboa Park 2191 Pan American Rd W Balboa Park, San Diego, California, United States

Join us for an in-person conversation about Italian current events. San Diego-based Italian journalist Elisa Meazzini will present what has been happening in Italy in the last twelve months from […]

Goldoni, Verdi, and the Myth of Venice

House of Pacific relations - Hall of Nations 2191 Pan American West Road, San Diego, California, United States

A lecture exploring the origins and mythology of Venice in the works of two artistic masters, accompanied by a Venice-inspired aperitivo.Through the works of 18th-century playwright Carlo Goldoni, and 19th-century […]

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