Beginner 101 (A1)

Language level: Absolute beginner (capitoli da 1 a 3)

Class taught by:

Wednesday, 05:50pm -> Class Fully Booked ⚠️

Beginner 101


SKU: N/A Category:

Required book: New Italian Espresso - Beginner and Pre-Intermediate (updated edition)

Author/s: Gruppo Italiaidea


This course is designed for students who don’t have any previous Italian language instruction. The course provides a strong foundation for communicative competence. Grammar structures and vocabulary are presented and supported by activities that help students develop language proficiency and confidence in their communication skills.

In this course students will learn pronunciation, greeting people and introducing themselves, ordering in a café and in a restaurant, asking for things in a polite way, describing people’s professions, and numbers from 0 to 100.
Grammar structures will include singular and plural nouns, definite and indefinite articles, present tense, how to formally and informally address people.

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