Intermediate 301 (B1)

Language level: Intermediate (capitoli da 6 a 7)

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Intermediate 301

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Required book: Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano 1b

Author/s: T. Marin, L. Ruggieri, S. Magnelli


This course is designed for students who have an established mid to high intermediate knowledge of Italian. This course will start with a review of the important grammatical structures and principals covered in Italian 201/202. Students will build on vocabulary and structures to express possessions, giving suggestions, ordering at a restaurant and expressing preferences, tell and describe past events, express agreement and disagreement. Students will also learn about the history of Italian cuisine and cinema.

Schedule of Class Dates:

Class dates and time may be modified depending on enrollment.

We are not offering Intermediate 301 (B1) during the winter quarter.

Required Textbook or Book Club Reading
Books are not included in the registration price and ICC does not sell textbooks.

The textbook for this class is Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano 1b (Author/s: T. Marin, L. Ruggieri, and S. Magnelli) by Edilingua

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Please read our General Policies here.

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Day & Time (PST)


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