This course is designed for students who have an established mid to high intermediate knowledge of Italian. Students will build on vocabulary and deepen their knowledge of the use of: costruzione “che io sappia,” concordanza tempi e modi (2), passato remoto, presente storico, sebbene, nonostante, malgrado + congiuntivo, anche se + indicativo, comparativi e superlativi particolari, fare + infinito, forma impersonale di un verbo riflessivo, condizionale passato, and periodo ipotetico.
Class offering:
We are not offering Upper-Intermediate 304 (B1) during spring quarter.
Schedule of Class Dates:
Class dates and time may be modified depending on enrollment.
We are not offering Upper-Intermediate 304 (B1) during spring quarter.
Required Textbook or Book Club Reading:
Books are not included in the registration price and ICC does not sell textbooks.
The textbook for this class is Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano 1b (Author/s: T. Marin, L. Ruggieri, and S. Magnelli) by Edilingua
Refund and Cancellation Policy:
Please read our General Policies here.