This course is designed for students who have an established pre-advanced knowledge of Italian. Students will build on vocabulary and deepen their knowledge of the use of:
congiuntivo esortativo, dubitativo e ottativo nelle frasi indipendenti, usi del participio presente e passato, differenza tra l’uso del futuro semplice e del condizionale passato per esprimere la posteriorità, varianti linguistiche e stilistiche del periodo ipotetico, frasi temporali e causali introdotte da “Se”, usi approfonditi del gerundio. At the end of the course, students should be able to: be ironic in Italian, express regret or complaints about events in the past, recognize some examples of “bad Italian” used by native speakers.
Class offering:
We are not offering Advanced 502 (C1) during the spring quarter.
Schedule of Class Dates:
Class dates and time may be modified depending on enrollment.
We are not offering Advanced 502 (C1) during the spring quarter.
Required Textbook or Book Club Reading:
Books are not included in the registration price and ICC does not sell textbooks.
The textbook for this class is Nuovo Espresso 5, Author(s): Giorgio Massei, Rosella Bellagamba by Alma Edizioni
Refund and Cancellation Policy:
Please read our General Policies here.