Advanced 502 (C1)

Language level: Mid-Proficiency (capitoli da 4 a 6)

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Advanced 502

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Required book: Nuovo Espresso 5

Author/s: Giorgio Massei, Rosella Bellagamba


This course is designed for students who have an established pre-advanced knowledge of Italian. Students will build on vocabulary and deepen their knowledge of the use of:
congiuntivo esortativo, dubitativo e ottativo nelle frasi indipendenti, usi del participio presente e passato, differenza tra l’uso del futuro semplice e del condizionale passato per esprimere la posteriorità, varianti linguistiche e stilistiche del periodo ipotetico, frasi temporali e causali introdotte da “Se”, usi approfonditi del gerundio. At the end of the course, students should be able to: be ironic in Italian, express regret or complaints about events in the past, recognize some examples of “bad Italian” used by native speakers.

Class offering:

We are not offering Advanced 502 (C1) during the spring quarter.

Schedule of Class Dates:

Class dates and time may be modified depending on enrollment.

We are not offering Advanced 502 (C1) during the spring quarter.

Required Textbook or Book Club Reading
Books are not included in the registration price and ICC does not sell textbooks.

The textbook for this class is Nuovo Espresso 5, Author(s): Giorgio Massei, Rosella Bellagamba by Alma Edizioni

Refund and Cancellation Policy:
Please read our General Policies here.

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